which is that we need a president

Harris explained, "America has always had migration, but there needs to be a legal process for it. People have to earn it. And that's the point that I think is the most important point that can be made, which is that we need a president who is grounded in common sense and practical outcomes." ????? ???????

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broken immigration system

She continued, "I am going to bring forward that bipartisan bill to further strengthen and secure our borders. Yes, I am. And I am going to work across the aisle to pass a comprehensive bill that deals with a broken immigration system." ????????????  

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Trump and that border

Harris answered, "Well let's talk about Donald Trump and that border wall. Remember he said Mexico would pay for it? Well, they didn't. How much did he build? I think the last number I saw is about 2%." ?????  

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Listen, I am not going to deny

"Listen, I am not going to deny the strong feelings that people have," Harris said. "I don't know that anyone who has seen the images who would not have strong feelings about what has happened, much less those who have relatives, who have died and been killed. And I and I know people and I've talked with people, so I appreciate that." ????? ??????

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Later in the town hall

Later in the town hall, Harris outright called Trump a "fascist" while answering a question on Palestinian civilians being killed in Gaza, which Harris called "unconscionable," and voters choosing to stay home or protest vote over the war, arguing that many are not single-issue voters. ????????????  

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